A series on why new advances in cryptography may be important for digital identity primitives. The first post covers the “Why”; this post (and the next one) covers the “How.”

In our last post, we discussed why we think new cryptographic tools, particularly zkSNARKs, will be particularly important for constructing the next generation of digital identity infrastructure. In this post, we’ll dive into the weeds—what technical work needs to happen to build ZK-based identity systems?

The ZK Identity “megaproject” is much larger than any one organization. Setting standards, building infrastructure, and iterating on identity primitives and application design questions will happen gradually, and require input from a variety of different stakeholders and areas of expertise. Given that ZK identity mechanisms have the potential to impact many people and also to rely heavily on public goods—open-source infra, tooling, standards, coordination—it is important that the effort arises bottom-up from an organic and community-driven “ecosystem,” rather than top-down from a single company; and that special attention is paid to sustainable development and incentive design.

The 0xPARC ZK-identity working group hopes to contribute where we can, and we invite others who are actively thinking about this problem to join us and compare notes.

Four Building Blocks for ZK Identity


ZK Identity tools must enable participants in digital systems to make claims about identity and reputation. Concretely, these claims boil down to mathematical statements about the execution of cryptographic operations like signature verification, key generation, hashing, and encryption in zero-knowledge. We can combine these “building blocks” together to build ZKPs for more complex claims: for a toy example, see our post on ZK Group Signatures.

Some operations and cryptographic schemes can be implemented more efficiently in zkSNARKs than others. In the long term, SNARK-friendly cryptographic standards may be adopted by new identity providers that don’t yet exist today—for example, protocols for SNARK-friendly biometric identification, or blockchains with public/private key signature schemes based on SNARK-friendly cryptography (or more expressive systems like account abstraction). But in order to prove concept and to be useful in the near term, our tools need to integrate cleanly with existing cryptographic identity systems—for example, Ethereum’s present ECDSA signature scheme, or more recent cryptographic standards coalescing around pairing-friendly elliptic curves in other contexts.

We believe that a building a usable toolstack for ZK Identity applications will require significant progress on four fronts: ZK application design patterns, implementation of ZK circuits for cryptographic primitives, circuit reliability tools, and developer tools and infrastructure. We’ll cover the first two in this post, and the next two in a later post.

ZK Applications and Application Design Patterns


First off, the output of our work should be touching end users and enabling impactful production applications. In parallel with developing ZK tools and building blocks, we’ll have to figure out the best way to use and compose them. Here are a few open questions we’re exploring:

The best way to answer these questions is just to start building! We hope that a robust developer community may start to form in the next few years, building applications with a variety of different approaches.

Several ZK-Identity apps can in fact be built today with the existing state of infrastructure. This is high-leverage work—beyond delivering useful applications, these projects will also inform development on tools and infrastructure and establish a feedback loop. Here are some candidates for initial production applications of ZK Identity: