Optional sessions are marked with an asterisk *

This schedule is not set in stone—sessions marked with [TBC] are still being confirmed. In general, we'll try to have all sessions locked down at least a week in advance.

Add the program to your Google Calendar by clicking on this link.

Week 1: 11/29 - 12/3


5:00PM - 6:30PM PT: opening session, conceptual intro to ZK (Brian)

Meeting Recording (passcode: i$PWv0&%)

Pre-session setup instructions


(for wider consumption - cut intros, questions at the end)


5:00PM - 6:30PM PT: circom workshop #1 - setting up environment, getting mimc hash circuit working, zkSNARKs for group signatures (Brian)

Meeting Recording (passcode: 3?seD&mh)


(for wider consumption - cut questions at the end)


6:00PM - 7:30PM PT: circom workshop #2 - breaking down num2bits, comparators, range proof, modulo circuits (Brian)

Meeting Recording (passcode: vmGN4t3*)


for "homework" or to check your understanding, i'd recommend trying to implement any of IsZero, IsEqual, Num2Bits, GreaterThan, QuinSelector, RangeProof, IsNegative, or Modulo by hand without just copy-pasting code from circomlib or references.