Optional sessions are marked with an asterisk *
This schedule is not set in stone—sessions marked with [TBD] are still being confirmed. In general, we'll try to have all sessions locked down at least a week in advance.
Add the program to your Google Calendar by clicking on this link.
8:00AM - 9:30AM PT: Opening session, conceptual intro to ZK (Brian)
Pre-session setup instructions
Recording (Passcode: z#dJJY1t)
8:00AM - 9:30AM PT: Circom workshop #1 - setting up environment, getting mimc hash circuit working (Brian)
Recording (Passcode: 5pMM8v^c)
8:00AM - 9:30AM PT: Overview of SNARK dapps
Recording (Passcode: +64sy&*R)
*5:00PM - 6:00PM PT: optional office hours